Questions You Must Ask Before Choosing A Data Science Career

Palak Sharma
4 min readApr 8, 2021

Learning data science can be sometimes a scary thing for those who are starting fresh. Data Science has been booming in the current tech industry. One will have innumerable questions in their mind before taking up a career in data science.

One needs clear insights on the basic Data Science Questions before they actually start their journey. To help you understand better and ease the process, this post will give better guidance about the essential questions that one should need the answers to before beginning one career in Data Science. This information will help especially to those who are willing to join Data Science Certification or data science courses after completing their High School.

What are the opportunities in Data Science?

Data Science is considered one of the enticing career opportunities. According to a survey, it is currently a $38 billion market and is believed to reach $140 billion in the year 2025. The experience and exposure in data science opportunity surely help the beginners to develop better skills in solving business problems. Globally, there are plenty of data science career opportunities for data-based roles. One can choose their career as a data analyst, business analyst, machine learning engineer, and deep learning engineer. If one wishes to dive deeper into data science, let’s have a glance at how the career path is in data science.

A typical Data Scientist should possess skills in mathematics, coding, and research abilities. Must be a curious and continuous learner, one can start their career as a data scientist and can follow this career path and grow in the field. Once you have equipped enough knowledge, skills, and experience then you can be an entrepreneur too.

Is Doing a Data Science Certification Beneficial?

As there is a boom in data science many individuals are looking for multiple career opportunities, one among them is, doing a Data Science Certification. There are many institutes, which provide certification courses that will enrich each person’s skills with the latest industry exposure and advanced quality projects so that they can stand apart from the crowd. Many institutes offer certification courses that ensure you offer all that is required to be a highly valuable professional. Few of the institutes that offer the best certification courses in data science are:

· DASCA (Data Science Council of America)

· Coursera

Is it required to be good at coding to be an expert data scientist?

It is not required to be an expert at coding but having basic knowledge would be a great advantage. Usually, programming is required while doing a large number of mathematical processes which is impossible to solve manually. To be a successful data scientist it is highly recommended to be well-versed with the fundamentals of Python and its operations followed by the machine learning libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Keras, and Scikit Learn. One doesn’t require to be an expert in the whole language. But over time dedicating themselves to be a master in one particular language will be a great add-on.

What are the skills that are a must-have in my CV for getting a job as a data scientist?

One can mention as many skills as they want to in their CV. But it is very important to be very good at those skills that are mentioned in the CV. These insights will help you know them better one-by-one:

· Prioritize the skills based on the applied job role

The interviewer will give a certain type of criteria before recruiting an individual. It will be a great advantage if you shape your CV based on the job role that you have applied for. For instance, the job description states that a candidate must possess skills in Python and machine learning. But you have good knowledge of Python and deep learning. And, you mention all the details and projects that you have done in Python and deep learning. And miss out on the machine learning details and projects. This might result in you losing the chance on the applied job.

· Showcase all your Data Science projects

Having practical knowledge will always dominate theoretical knowledge. Mentioning clearly about all the data science-related projects that you have worked on and the skills you have attained will make the interviewer impressed.

· Do mention your GitHub profile

It is has become quite important to have a profile in GitHub for those who want to take up a job in the field of data science. The profile in GitHub will help the interviewer to check the projects that you have worked on. They will also feel more trusted about the skills you possess; it is a quick and easy way to impress the interviewer.


In this article, we have discussed the Data Science Questions that are most commonly come around among data science beginners before they begin their data science career. In the current job market, the requirement for expert data science professionals has increased immensely. It is crucial to follow the right steps so that one can get exponential growth.



Palak Sharma

Data Scientist — Keeping up with Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. AI/ML Enthusiast. #DataScience #BigData #AI #MachineLearning